You can make disciples. We’ll show you how.

Our approach is simple, straightforward and accessible, with all resources provided at no cost. Gain the confidence to start and sustain a disciple-making relationship, investing just one hour weekly with those you disciple.

Core Discipleship is 100% about getting people into God’s Word and allowing the Holy Spirit to change lives. The following is a basic outline of the process and what I’ve been doing for more than 20 years around the world. It’s simple and completely dependent on God’s Word, the Cross, and the indwelling and transforming power of the Holy Spirit. It works with 3-4 in a group or an entire church discipleship process.

The most effective manner to train and equip people for any skill is by providing effective models and opportunities to practice the skill itself. Jesus used a show, tell, release, and supervise discipleship model. After praying and then calling His disciples, He took them along with Him, teaching and healing the sick as He went. Then, after He thought they had seen and learned enough to try for themselves, He commissioned, empowered, instructed, and sent them out to do the same things. This discipleship process should be no different for those desiring to bring others into a complete understanding and walk in Christ-likeness.

Seven Simple Steps

  1. Pray: ask God who He wants you to disciple. Wait. He’ll direct you.
  2. Ask: once you know who the 3 or 4 people are, go to each one personally and ask them to join the group for a 7-week Bible and discipleship study.
  3. Time: set an agreed upon day and time. 60 to 90 minutes each week works great.
  4. Location: a breakfast cafe, coffee shop, or office all work great. Find someplace that is somewhat quiet.
  5. Purpose: love God, love each other, make disciples.
  6. Resources needed: your Bible. Begin in Galatians (we’ll teach you how and provide you with the right materials).
  7. Before everyone meets ask everyone to read through the entire book you are in in one setting (takes about 22 minutes). Then ask them to read the next chapter the night before you meet. If you’ll be transparent, others will follow. Build trust. Encourage often. Love always.

Recommended Bible Pathway

Begin in Galatians. If everyone wants to continue (and they usually do), you can continue through Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Mark, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, John.

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